

Title                : Social Ethics II
Course Code  : RPH 123

Course Contents
  1. Objectives and Purpose of the Course
    • They are the same as those in the First Semester
  2. Human Person in Social-Economical Society
    • Work
      • We will look at the nature of human work (Kazi za mikono) - From Latin word Labor which originally meant suffering before profit. it mean physical suffering before one's desire is met.
      • Conceptually in historical stages -
        • Manual work during Greek period was for slaves.
        • During Christianity work was considered good as it kept people busy and productive and transforms the world.
        • In Modern world, work is an expression of oneself.
      • Importance
        • Improve one's standard of life
        • Expression of one's personality
        • Helps to transform the world
        • Enables one to support his/her family and those who depend on him/her
        • Enables one to do social obligations
      • Factors in the determination on the amount of salaries
        • Amount of salary should enable one to have a good standard of life
        • Should enable one to support his family and all who depend on him
        • Should enable one to do social obligations
        • Should depend on the role of the person in the office (Experience and Education)
        • Should also depend on the amount and type of production
        • Should depend on the state of business
        • Should depend on the common good
      • Human work is rest and leisure
        • It is advised that one has to work and rest but during this rest time it is always advised to be used properly as if used uncontrollably it may make someone destroy the least opportunity.
        • How to rest
          • Rest with your family
          • To visit relatives
          • To visit the sick and those in difficult conditions
          • To worship and pray and attend to religious duties
          • Personal Study
          • Time to relax and sleep/meditation
      • Participation in the area of work
        • Human beaing should participate in the decision making the outcomes of such decisions affect our lives.
      • Strike and misunderstanding at work
        • In the area of work people of different interests are brought together and there happens a conflict of interest which leads to strikes.
        • The following are just strikes
          • Grave certain prolonged violation of human rights
          • All peaceful means must have been tried and failed
          • There should be no violence of property or human rights
          • There should be no too much force
          • There should be no political interests
        • Suggested
          • Use peaceful means
      • The question of the right to work
        • Everyone must work so as to attain one's needs
        • The right to work and family
          • Distance from the area of work to the workplace
          • Too many duties in the area of work
          • Safety in the area of work
        • The right to work and women
          • Women are to be trained so as to contribute to work
          • There should be no discrimination in the area of work between men and women on matters of salaries, privileges.
        • The right to work and Children
          • Children should be taught minor works like cleaning utensils, etc. but should not be employed
          • Children should not be distorted in their growth and education
          • Children should spend time in education institutions
        • The right to labor and automation
        • The right to work and foreigners
      • Responsibility of state in economical matters
        • Administer infrastructure development e.g Roads, electricity availability etc
      • Role of business men in the society
        • Ecological protection
        • Promote development of local people
    • Property
      • Meaning is that which belongs to a person and beloved by a person.
      • Kinds 
        • Individual
        • State 
        • Common
        • Family
      • Reason for private property
        • To be independent, autonomous and have freedom
        • To achieve one's goals and aspirations
        • Enables one to support one's family and those who depend on him
        • Brings peace in the society
        • Maintains the culture of maintenance
      • How to attain private property rightfully
        • Through work
        • Accession
        • Through contracts
        • Through inheritance
        • Through Gifts
      • How to attain private property wrongfully
        • Unjust damage
        • Fraud
        • Using the problems of others to make business
        • Theft
      • Restitution - What has been taken wrongfully must be returned.
  3. Human Person in Political Society
    1. The State
      • Elements of the state
      • Origin of the state
      • Aim of the state
    2. The Government
      • Government in General
        • Forms of the government
        • The right of the government to punish
        • The right of the citizen to resist the government
      • The need of the government
    3. Community of Nations
      • International Laws
      • Community of nations and peace
      • Community of nations and war
      • Community of nations and economical cooperations
  4. O.A.T

Teaching and learning methods
- There will be mixed methods of instruction that will enable students to learn. These may include
  1. Lectures
  2. Research - Independent Study
  3. Discussions and Debates

Assessment Criterion
  1. Attendance in Classes
  2. Attentiveness in class
  3. Course Work ( 40% )
    • Assignments
    • Tests
  4. University Examination ( 60% )

Reference Materials
- Reference Materials are found in the library and other sources like the Internet 

RPH 123 Assignment 1
Nature : Individual
  • Why should there be participation in the area of work?
  • The use of rest and leisure.

Reference from the library


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